12 Promising And Profitable Online Business Ideas

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There are many promising and profitable online business ideas. However, of the many online business ideas, not all can be executed easily and in a short time.  Even though the most important thing about an online business idea is not the idea, but the execution.

If the idea is good, cool and unique but not executed properly, it's useless. Then it would be better if the idea is simple but the execution is extraordinary.

Promising And Profitable

There are two words to emphasize in this article, namely promising and profitable.

Promising here does not mean that this online business idea will be 100% successful and will not fail once you start.

The promising here is more towards a great chance of success in the future. Because the online business ideas that we provide here are at least evergreen and in the future there will still be a considerable need for this business.

Meanwhile, profitable means that this online business idea is able to provide material benefits (profit) to you.  The risk of loss is still there, but at least the risk is much less than other online business ideas.

12 Promising And Profitable Online Business Ideas

Here are 12 online business ideas that you can execute in no time. Please read, study and choose one of these 12 ideas that best suits you;

  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Copywriter
  3. Freelancers
  4. Influencers (Bloggers, Youtubers, Celebgram)
  5. Online consulting services
  6. Article writing services
  7. Buy and sell domains
  8. Create online courses / digital products
  9. Dropshipping
  10. Writing indie books
  11. Ad publisher
  12. Sponsored Post.

1. Affiliate Marketing

The first promising and profitable online business idea is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is basically like a broker or a broker.

Technically, you market and sell other people's products / services, on behalf of the product / service owner, and when a transaction or sale occurs, you will get a commission that has been agreed upon.

Affiliate marketing will remain promising as long as there are parties who want to focus on after sales products and services. So that most of the marketing and sales are left to these affiliate marketers.

If you are interested in starting this online affilaite marketing business idea, the method is quite easy. You only need to provide the following:
  • Website / landing page
  • Accounts on affiliate networks such as JVZoo,Clickbank, Idaff, etc.
  • Facebook ads account
  • Google Ads account
  • Some money to advertise. 
After that, prepare everything, choose a product on the affiliate network, create a landing page on your own website, then advertise it on Facebook Ads and Google Ads and wait for the results.

2. Copywriters
We believe writing is easy. But writing writing that is easy to read and able to influence others to do something is difficult.
If you have this kind of ability, then a profitable and promising online business idea as a copywriter is suitable for you to execute.

Copywriters are people who make copywriting. Copywriting itself aims to build buyers' awareness of a product or business through writing. Technically, by explaining or communicating offers to prospective buyers in a language that is easier to understand. Besides that, copywriting can make people who read become interested and a desire to buy will appear.

To start an online business as a copywriter you only need writing skills. Meanwhile, to market it you can use social media or through freelance sites.

3. Freelancer

The next promising and profitable online business is to become a freelancer. Freelancer means freelance worker or in other words there is no bond between the worker and the employer. Once the work is finished, a freelancer is then paid according to what he does or according to an agreement.

To run an online business as a freelancer, there are lots of opportunities that you can take. Starting from translator, data input, creating logos and graphic design to creating software. And the good thing is, by starting an online business as a freelancer, you don't need to spend money and don't need to leave the house to work.

The capital is only the skills you have. If you have foreign language skills, then you can start an online business as a translator. If you have the ability to write fast, you can start an online business in the data input field.

4. Influencer

Influencers are people who have enough followers and have a strong influence on their followers.

Examples of these influencers include:
If you have a blog and enough readership, have a Youtube account with many subscribers and have an Instagram account with many followers, you can start an online business by becoming an influencer.

But for those of you who don't have a lot of followers yet, but want to become an influencer, you don't need to be discouraged.
This is because the number of readers, the number of followers and the number of subscribers can be pursued with quality content and proper content distribution.

By starting an online business through these influencers you will get money from businesses or companies that use your services to market their products / services. You will be paid per ad serving or based on contract time.

5. Online Consulting Services

The fifth promising and profitable online business idea is online consulting services. Currently, to be able to consult with experts in their fields, there is no need to meet face to face. It is enough with a website, social media or smartphone application and an internet connection, people can open online consulting services.

If you specialize in a certain field, you can start an online business by opening this online consulting service.

6. Article Writing Services

If you like writing or have writing skills, besides starting an online business as a copywriter you can also execute article writer service ideas.
To get a job writing articles is also quite easy. You can search for jobs on freelance sites or offer your services through forums or Facebook groups.

7. Buying and Selling Domain Or Website

This profitable and promising online business idea is a popular term is flipping. The activity carried out is buying a domain or website, then managing it and then selling it at a higher price.

Some of the things you can do include:
  • Build a website from scratch with a new domain, increase its performance and value and then sell it.
  • Buy ready-made websites and domains, but their performance is still not good, fix them and then sell them.
  • Buy websites and domains that are already in really good shape, then sell them at a higher price.

8. Create online courses / digital products

The next promising and profitable online business idea is to create an online course or digital product.

The capital you need to execute this online business idea is a recording of your computer screen if you want to create an online course. Starting with determining the course topic, creating a curriculum, presentation slides then recording it into a module.
Apart from online courses you can also sell digital products. For example, digital products are WordPress themes, presentation slides, video templates to applications for smartphones.

For digital products, if you have programming skills, you can create your own applications or tools. However, if you don't have this capability, you can buy ready-made digital products with a PLR or white label license.

Places that you can use to find digital white label products include:
9. Dropshipping

The ninth promising and profitable online business idea is dropshipping. Dropshipping is how it works almost like affiliate marketing. The difference is that the dropshipping that is sent is a physical product and there is no commission.

You get a profit or profit from the difference between your selling price and the purchase price from the supplier. And another advantage you don't need to stock up on products and think about how to ship them. You only need to think about how to market the product.

10. Writing Indie Books (Self Publishing)

For those of you who like to write, online business ideas by writing this book are also quite promising and profitable. You simply write a book, print it and market it.

To print an indie book, you can layout it yourself, edit it yourself to print it yourself at your own expense.

11. Ad Publisher

The next promising and profitable online business idea is to become an ad publisher. The way it works is you only display ads whether it's classifieds or display ads on the website / blog that you have.
So the main requirement to become an ad publisher you must have a blog or website first. After you have brought as much traffic as possible to your website / blog.

Then register with the ad publishing platform, such as:
The potential income by becoming an ad publisher can reach hundreds of millions per month. Many in the world publishers have proven themselves by becoming this ad publisher.

12. Sponsored Post

The last promising and profitable online business idea is to run the sponsored post. This medium is a blog or website.

The way it works is that you write articles that aim to review other people's products / services. Usually you will get paid for one post for one product. The more reviews you write on your website or blog, the greater your potential income.

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