2 Important Assets in Company

Assets are all economic sources or wealth owned by entities that are expected to benefit businesses in the future. Source of the economy or wealth is the resources owned, whether in snaps or the rights of power obtained in the past so as to benefit in the future.

Assets can be recognized if all economic sources can be measured by units of currency, whether euro, dollar, or other currencies. Assets are an important part of a company. With the company's assets, the business can continue to operate smoothly. Assets are not only in the form of cash, land, buildings, and equipment. But assets can also be human resources such as employees and customers. These two assets can help the business continue to operate smoothly. So, what is the importance of these two assets in a company? Check out the answers below.

1. Employees as Company Assets

Employees are one of the most important assets for the company. With the satisfaction of employees towards the company, it does not close the possibility for employees to provide the best for the company. Not only that, employees also have an important role in the development of the company's business, such as:

  • Improving the Company's Competitiveness, each employee has different abilities and potentials. With this difference, employees can improve the quality of their respective work which can also automatically improve the company's competitiveness.
  • Providing New Innovation, the company sometimes has a stalemate when it wants to grow its business, this is where the important role of an employee. With employee creativity, the company can make innovations in its business that will certainly affect the sustainability and development of the business.
  • Maintaining the Company's Image, employees are very influential in establishing relationships between internal and external parties. With good relations established between employees and other parties, the company will get a good image also from these parties.

2. Customer as Company Asset

In addition to employees, customers are also an important asset for the company. A business will not be able to run without customers. The company may lose merchandise and other physical assets, but when the company still has customers, especially those loyal to the company, the business will continue to run.

  • Increase Company's Revenue, in the absence of customers, the company will not get revenue. This certainly makes cash flow worse in a business that can also hinder business development and disrupt business operations.
  • Providing New Insights, customers who are loyal to the company will usually provide information about what they need. From this information, the company can develop its products and take advantage of existing opportunities according to customer needs.
  • Being a Corporate Inspiration, companies that know their customers well can more easily see and discover new things. These findings can be used by companies to get fresh new ideas to make an innovation in terms of products, marketing, services, and other.

Those are some of the reasons why employees and customers become assets that must be maintained properly. In addition to these two human resource assets, the company must also manage and maintain other company assets such as land, buildings, certificates, brands, and other.

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