5 Negative Impacts of Workaholic Behavior

Working and rest time should be balanced!

During this time, hardworking people are synonymous with a positive image, such as working sincerely, enjoying work, up to a satisfactory salary. However, sometimes employees can overwork, or later referred to as workaholic.

Working too much can lead to health problems, both related to psychological and mental physical problems. In fact, this also applies to people who voluntarily work long hours.

Indeed, what are the negative impacts that workaholics can experience? Check out the explanation below so you don't get curious.

1. Improve sleep-related health problems

You must have experienced sleep deprivation at least once in your life. Therefore, you can definitely feel discomfort due to lack of sleep.

Research reported in the journal Industrial Health looked at 600 work-mad hospital nurses to explore the link between work and sleep addiction.

In these observations, researchers found that nurses experienced fatigue when waking up in the morning, excessive sleepiness during the day at work, difficulty maintaining sleep, lack of sleep, and many other effects as a result of lack of sleep.

2. Causes burnout syndrome

Those who are already addicted to work can experience so-called workaholic breakdown syndrome or burnout syndrome.

Described on the Psychology Today page, exhausted workaholics often second-guess themselves because they no longer know how they feel or how they should feel.

Psychologically, the problem is due to the left hemisphere regarding the sensation of feeling alien. Also in the left hemisphere, there is an ability for a person to focus on their usefulness and ability to move from point A to point B. Unfortunately, when experiencing burnout syndrome, this ability disappears after fatigue.

3. Decreased welfare and work performance

Many think that those who are workaholic receive satisfaction when working excessively. In fact, work addiction is precisely known to be related to psychological distress and physical complaints.

A survey that has been reported in the journal Industrial Health concludes the relationship between well-being, work addiction, and work engagement differs due to underlying motivations.

More importantly, work crazy is associated with poor well-being and shows decreased performance and decreased life satisfaction.

4. Adversely affect relationships

A study in the Journal of Counseling & Development was conducted by surveying undergraduate and graduate students to find out the relationship between work addiction, parental work-mad perception, self-acceptance, psychological well-being, and physical symptoms among 347 students.

Students who said their parents were addicted to work in the "moderate to high risk" category had lower self-acceptance scores, lower psychological well-being scores, and a higher number of physical health complaints than students who said their parents were at lower risk for the work-mad category.

The same was pointed out by an expert who researched for The Atlantic, when observing undergraduate students, found that children of working addicts scored 72 percent higher for depression than alcoholic children.

This is possible because work addiction increases the likelihood of relationship breakdown resulting in mental health disorders for the whole family. This fact should be of great concern to workers who already have a family. It is important to consider the effects of work crazy for the family.

5. Increase stress and physical problems

Researchers at the University of Bergen conducted a study to look at the effects of overwork on physical health. A sample of 235 bank employees were asked to fill out a series of surveys measuring work engagement, encouragement and enjoyment of work.

The results showed that with more working hours, more stress and physical complaints arise. In other words, the more hours worked, the less fun work.

After all, there is no good addiction. Similarly, workaholic or workaholic addiction. So, for your own good, make sure you strike a balance between working and having fun.

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