7 Powerful Tips to Dampen Emotions After Being Scolded by The Boss

Angry Boss
Instinctively no one will want to get angry from the boss, even if he has made a mistake. Especially if the boss is angry in front of other co-workers while yelling and saying rude things.

At that moment there is an ego in the heart that hurts and feels humbled that makes negative emotions very easily ignited. It's true that it feels very chaotic, but being emotionally drained when scolded by the boss can lead to disaster in your career.

It's good to learn to dampen emotions after being scolded by the boss little by little, although it is not easy indeed. Check out these powerful tips to make emotions more controlled.

1. Calm Down

Sometimes the anger shown by the boss makes the feeling get carried away. Try to dampen emotions after being scolded by the boss by calming down for a while. Take a deep, deep breath and exhale slowly. Repeat until completely calm.

Keep in mind that in every job there must be problems that need to be faced, including getting angry at the boss. So there is no need to overreact, such as angry yourself or look sad to demotation. Just be calm and normal.

2. Understand the Root Of The Problem

There will be no smoke if there is no fire, so do not rush the emotion if scolded by the boss. The boss's anger must have caused it. Instead of emotional follow-up when the boss is angry, it is better to pay attention to what the boss says when angry.

If necessary note the important points of the cause of his anger. Even if the cause is unclear, never take his anger as a personal sentiment. Because it can burden your inner and mind that can adversely affect performance.

When it is proven that your performance is not satisfactory, then accept it generously and try to improve it. Use the boss's anger as a morale-boosting to work better. It's not just the fearsome scourge that makes things worse.

3. Share Stories with Trustworthy People

Getting sprayed by the boss can indeed make the mood change, and talking to colleagues can sometimes be a solution to dampen emotions after being scolded by the boss. But pay attention to who you are pouring out the contents of the heart and complaining.

Do not let you carelessly choose a friend and like to complain a no-no, because this is the same as triggering the emergence of new problems. Always remember not to dramatize the problem if you don't want the problem to widen. It's best not to pick a friend if you want to talk about the boss.

4. Perform Performance Improvements

The boss will always remember if his men made the slightest mistake, because it's all in his memory. So don't trivialize the boss's anger if indeed your performance is less than satisfactory. Fix it immediately bad note from the boss, if still want your career cermerlang.

Starting from the discipline of entering work to doing tasks according to directions and deadlines. The point is to improve your performance as well as your productivity while working. This could make your bad record in the boss's eyes a little lessened.

5. Be More Sporty

Emotions when scolded by the boss are normal, everyone must have experienced it. And although it's not easy to dampen emotions after being scolded by the boss after what was said.

However, try to be sporty and not be childish until the strike in front of the boss. Keep performing well in your tasks and keep in good communication.

In other words, keep professionalism in work. Don't make it look like you're looking like you're looking for a face.

6. Divert Emotions

Dampening emotions after being scolded by the boss is sometimes not easy, but that does not mean it can not be done. Try to transfer emotions to other things that are more enjoyable and can momentarily release the load while restoring a chaotic mood.

Try taking your coworkers to go to your favorite restaurant at lunchtime while looking for fresh air so that the feeling is not too depressed. Order your favorite food or drink, enjoy every moment, and don't talk about work. Let the mind relax for a moment.

There are certain foods or drinks that can be an effective way to reduce stress and stress after getting angry by the boss. For example dark cocholate, yogurt, coffee or other foods that have a sweet taste. But don't overdo it, the scales can go up if you can't control yourself.

7. Forget Soon

Sometimes forgetting the heartache is important so that you don't become someone who is vindictive. Like so when you get angered by the boss, don't take it too deep until you feel hurt. Come on, it's just a matter of work, not personal.

So don't put it too deep into your heart. Learn to forget about problems and start improving performance, if in fact you are wrong.

But if the problem is in the boss who is grumpy and arbitrary, then try to be calm and do not confront. Keep showing professional attitude as an employee.

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