5 Ways to Become a Successful Freelancer and Multiple Clients

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Nowadays, being a freelancer is in great demand by many people.

Not only those who just graduated wrongly from college, but many employees who previously worked in offices decided to become freelancers.

But, even though it looks more fun and has flexible working hours, being a freelancer is also not as easy as it seems.

You have to set your own work rhythm and targets, because this affects how much you earn.

So, let's follow how to become a successful freelancer below so you can get lots of clients!

1. Build Personal Branding

The first way to become a freelancer is that you have to build a personal branding.

The reason is, because as a freelancer, you will work and find clients individually, therefore you must be able to market yourself well.

By building good personal branding, clients will certainly trust you more and your expertise.

You can do personal branding by displaying your works on various social media platforms.

In addition, you can also create content related to the things you do.

If so, of course prospective clients will see you as a quality freelancer and will not hesitate to work with you. 

2. Working well and according to the deadline

When given a job by a client, make sure you do it as diligently as possible.

Usually, the problem that is often faced by a freelancer is laziness.

The reason is, freelancers are very close to a relaxed atmosphere, where work can be flexibly done anywhere.

Therefore, the next way to become a freelancer, you have to control your laziness, so you can complete your work properly and on time according to the deadline.

Yes, because you work with clients, of course they will set deadlines, when you have to complete the work.

Remember, that deadlines are your responsibility.

When you are able to do your job well according to the deadline, clients will consider you a responsible and reliable person.

If they already believe in the quality of your work, surely you can become a successful freelancer with loyal clients.

3. Set a Wage According to Your Job

The next way to become a freelancer is to determine a wage that suits your job.

Well, but in determining this you cannot be arbitrary.

Try to find out first, what is the price in the market from people who are also freelancers like yourself.

Then after that, compare it with the wages offered by prospective clients.

By comparing like this, you will know whether the wages you set are too small or large.

But you also have to make sure that the wages set are in accordance with the quality you provide.

After getting your reward, don't forget to arrange it properly for future provisions.

As a freelancer, of course, you usually don't get old-age benefits or health insurance from the office, so you have to prepare an emergency fund, insurance and retirement insurance yourself.

Regarding the old age security fund, you can take advantage of the benefits of investing.

By investing, you can increase the value of your currency in old age.

4. Updates to the Industry Involved

No matter how good and good you are, keep your thirst for knowledge and always learn new things.

One of the things you can do is to update the latest information and knowledge in the industry you are in.

By knowing the trends that are developing in society, of course you can provide more relevant results for clients later.

This method of becoming a freelancer will succeed in making clients fall in love with you because you are able to offer them interesting and current topics, ways or things.

5. Do the things you love and make you always passionate

Nothing is more important than this last point.

When deciding to become a freelancer, make sure you are in not only the field that you like, but it makes you excited every time you do it.

Not only that, you also have to make sure that this field doesn't make you bored to keep learning new things from it.

That way, in the future you will remain enthusiastic even though you have difficulties while doing it.

Later, even though you feel lazy in your way, you will still try to finish the job.

Hopefully with this discussion, you will know better about how to become a freelancer.

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