How to Get Monetization Money on YouTube & Blogs | Adsense

YouTube and Blogs Make Money
Making money from YouTube and blogs through Adsense ads is the most popular monetization method.  What is the key to success?  Read the 10 tips.

How to make money from this huge internet market?
One of them, and the most popular, is creating content on YouTube and Blogs and then making money from there.
Interestingly, in contrast to online businesses, monetization through content creation is relatively the easiest for all groups to do. Can be done according to our interests and pleasures.
I offer 10 tips for those of you who want to deepen it and make money from there

Making Money from YouTube and Blogs.

This tip is a guide for beginners, so I make it as simple and practical as possible without losing the essence or essence.
These 10 ways, for those of you who don't know about monetization methods.  From the most basic things to be able to make money on YouTube or blogs.

1. How it works

The business model is very simple, namely you create content, bring in visitors, make visitors see ads and get paid for impressions of these ads. Just like how a printed newspaper works. Or television makes money.
Newspapers have a reader base, which is the target market for advertising in the newspaper.

The difference is, now in the digital era, those of you who have their newspaper via a blogging platform, have their own TV via Youtube.
So you become a publisher.

2. Select the Ad Platform
One of the parties that provides advertisements is Google Adsense.

I say "one of them" because there are actually many choices of advertising platforms in the online world, but the biggest and most reliable is Google Adsense.

Why is choosing a reliable advertising platform important, even so important?

First, the platform pays publishers on time.
There are two important points here.
  • You are paid according to the advertisements that appear. Payment is not in arrears.
  • You get paid not too late. Payments are made regularly on a predetermined date every month.
So with a reliable platform you don't worry about getting paid or not.

Second, the platform has sufficient advertisements to detect.
If a few ads that enter the platform, you will not be effective at making money because a lot of ad space on your blog or video will be empty. If it was empty, of course, it wouldn't make any money. Much of your ad inventory will be determined by the strength of the platform.

Third, platform support to publishers.

The platform provides a wide range of support for publishers to succeed.

One example, Google Adsense launched an 'Auto-Ads' feature that allows publishers to place ads automatically in the places with the highest stages.

You as a publisher no longer need to bother thinking about which ones are placed on the blog.

Simply setting the 'auto-ads', then the Google algorithm will assess, place, arrange and make regular ad changes to get the best revenue ad location.

3. How Adsense Accepted
How do I get accepted to Adsense?

There are different ways and requirements between blogging and YouTube.

To be able to register for monetization ads on Google Adsense, the steps are quite easy.
  • Have a blog or website
  • Open an account on Adsense
  • Get the Adsense code after registering
  • Enter the adsense code into the blog.
  • Reviews by Adsense and wait a few days there will be notification of whether or not Adsense is accepted.
  • To receive payments there is a Identity card lever, bank account and home address.
There is no minimum number of visitors required. If rejected, Adsense will tell you the reason in the rejection of the email.

Adsense ad approval process starts from 3 days to 2 weeks. Some things to consider when submitting Adsense on a Blog:
  1. AdSense code. Make sure to add the AdSense Ad code to your website because as long as the code has not been added, Google will not be able to review and approve it. Check the latest how and how to install the code.
  2. Deleted Sites Registered Again. This incident makes Google AdSense have to check for approximately up to two weeks.
  3. Website cannot be accessed. Make sure that the registered website is accessible and not blocked. The Adsense team must be able to access your site to be able to do a review.
  4. Covid-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic, Google Adsense has said that the evaluation process for Adsense submissions has taken a longer time.
The terms for the monetization of Adsense ads on Youtube are somewhat different, namely:
  • Open an Adsense account and connect the account to the YouTube channel
  • Reached more than 1,000 subscribers
  • Reached over 4,000 broadcast hours in the last 12 months.
  • Apply for monetization to Youtube
  • If You Tube is approved, new ads appear on the channel.
  • To receive payments there is Identity card  lever, bank account and home address.
The requirement of 4 thousand broadcast hours is for the last 12 months, so for accounts that have been on hiatus for a long time, it should be noted that broadcast hours over the last 1 year are not counted in this requirement.

After the above requirements are met, YouTube channel owners will receive an email notification that their channel is being reviewed to monetize Adsense ads.

Some of the common reasons a YouTube application is rejected, namely:
  • Violating Copyright - copyright. The content of many videos is duplicate or takes other people's content without permission
  • Content does not meet YouTube community guidelines. There are certain types of content that violate YouTube terms and are not acceptable.
4. Content is King!
As a YouTuber or Blogger, you are a content creator. Create content to be interesting.
Therefore, content becomes everything, Content is king!

Without content, you are like vegetables without salt, stale, unattractive. So, your focus is on creating the best content.

Why is it called content, not writing or video? Because the content variant is wide, it's not just writing on blogs but also infographics, images, videos and others.

When thinking about making money on the internet, the first thing you have, is not how much money can be generated, but what is the best content that can be produced and delivered through your blog or YouTube.

Good content will automatically attract visitors who in time can make money from visitors.

5. Focus on Niche Content
Because content is important, the next question is what to write.

What content do you want to create?

There are two things you can consider.

First, write down something you are passionate about and good at. If you can't go overboard, start with what you like best, then move on to dominate.

Doing something we like we will definitely do it happily and tirelessly. It's easier to become an expert if you focus on an area we love, while expertise is important in the online world where content is like today.

Second, build niche content, which focuses on certain topics in depth.

We recommend that you don't create 'hodgepodge' content because it is more profitable for certain content categories.

The advantages of creating niche content are:
  • Focus. Niche blogs make you focus more on a specific topic, not expand to a variety of topics, thus making you more consistent in writing your blog.
  • Expert. With a special blog, you can be known as an expert on certain topics and become a reference for many people.
  • Increase ad CTR. Ads that are relevant to the blog niche will be clicked on by more visitors so that you will get paid more for advertising.

6. Understand Google's Terms & Conditions

If seen in the previous explanation, the reasons for being rejected and the reasons for the account being suspended by Google Adsense are the terms of the conditions, the Adsense Terms & Conditions and YouTube community guidelines.

Therefore, in making money from YouTube and Blogging, you not only have to have qualified content, but also comply with the provisions of the advertising platform.

The platform determines whether the content can be monetized or not. There is no meaning to have good content, viewers, if it can't be monetized.

My suggestion is that the Google Adsense Terms & Conditions system is as good as possible so that you can understand what is allowed and what is not allowed as a publisher to do according to Google Adsense.

On YouTube, there is a new community that provides guidance on how to display videos according to the provisions and cannot get permission.

Some of the important things you report:
  1. Illegal content is prohibited. Content spreads things that are illegal and violate applicable laws / regulations.
  2. Copyright Violation.  Content that violates rights and is strictly prohibited
  3. Copying or plagiarizing other people's content is prohibited.  This is a serious matter and can cause your account to stop
  4. Own ad clicks or invalid clicks are prohibited.  Clicking on ads alone, intentionally or accidentally, is not allowed.
  5. Dishonesty content.  For example, creating fake documents, making certificates, examining exams, hacking, and streaming videos of prohibited content.
  6. Content that is not in accordance with Google regulations, such as drugs, war, sex and others.  We need to know that everything in the content is our responsibility, even if the content is sourced from visitors.

7. Don't Get Banned
The nightmare of every publisher is that their ads are prohibited by Adsense so that the ads no longer appear and of course they cannot make money.

Prohibited Account Types
Types of advertising by Adsense have several levels.

First, the ad does not appear or base on the website, but the Adsense account is still alive.

If the Adsense account has several websites, then the right for this type, only for certain websites, which violates the provisions, not all websites are subject to advertisements.

Fix the problem as it occurs, then re-submit. If Adsense is approved, the ad will appear again.

Second, the Adsense account is banned.
This type is the heaviest because the account is closed by Adsense and all websites under this account will be affected, unable to receive advertisements.

If the account is banned, the publisher cannot appeal, the account is closed. The only way is to apply again with a different account.

On YouTube, one of the main causes of prohibition or removal of ads is plagiarism or copying other people's content without permission. YouTube is very serious about this plagiarism.
One of them, YouTube provides facilities for parties who have original content to report content thieves to YouTube and if you have reported plagiarism several times ignoring it, for example plagiarism content, then the plagiarism account account can be banned by YouTube.

This method is called a copyright claim on YouTube where the party who has the original content makes a claim by reporting plagiarism content.

Channels that have reported 3 copyright claims will be closed by YouTube.

This matter is not indiscriminate, whether the channel is busy or not, because there was an incident with a channel with 13 million subscribers missing from YouTube because many have reported the plagiarism channel.
Following YouTube's Terms & Conditions guidelines is very important, especially not displaying plagiarized content and focusing on original content.

Indeed, there are currently many 'creative' ways to keep up with other people's content without YouTube knowing the alias is undetected. However, we have to understand that YouTube is constantly improving the quality of their surveillance, so that something that passes now is not necessarily going to pass in the future either.

How to Get Over Banned
In every decision that is prohibited, Adsense or YouTube will state the reasons for the banned account. Learn the reason carefully and take corrective steps according to the error.

Make sure to create original content, not plagiarize other people's content. One of the main causes of banned accounts on YouTube.

8. It takes time

Not recently, I watched sharing on one of the YouTube channels that started the channel's journey from Adsense ads.

I often follow the channel because the content is very interesting. Provide a new perspective.

It said it took more than 4 months from the time the channel was created to be able to provide stages.

After the punching stage is very small. I calculated that this stage would not be sufficient to support the channel.

It was only after 6 months that the stage had increased considerably.

Most of the successful bloggers I know have been blogging for years before they can finally make money from their blogs.

Blogging requires patience and persistence to learn continuously until you can make your blog or channel a source of stages.

Why do you need a process?

First, the competition in the world of content is fierce, especially to generate monetization, very tight. There are thousands of new channels and blogs every day emerging as competitors.

To be able to emerge and be known, it needs consistency in creating. It all takes time and effort.

Second, Google's algorithm, which is an important factor for a channel that can be recognized through SEO, rewards blogs or channels that have been running for some time.

It takes patience and consistency to be recognized by Google's algorithm.

9. Cellular and Page Speed

According to research cited by Google, it mentions two important findings, namely:

  1. There is a increase from ads on mobile if the site loads faster, to 5 seconds from 19 seconds.
  2. There was a 54% increase in visitors viewing pages on the blog with a faster blog loading, 1 second out of 5 seconds.
The sooner the better and the more profitable.

It's about the importance of page speed.

You are concerned about how to improve blog load speed. Routinely monitors your site's loading speed.

Because of the importance of page speed, several things can be done to improve it:
  • Move to the AMP platform which is designed to increase blog loading speed. AMP is a platform developed by Google and several other well-known technology companies.
  • Be diligent about checking page speed and see if any problems arise that are free of page speed.
  • This Google Pagespeed tool is free.
  • Check the status of Core Web Vital in Google Search Console. This indicator shows how the site is performing in front of users.
Dizzy? This is the easy way to fix pagespeed.

Use plugins that are well known can help increase site speed.

One of them is the WordPress Rocket plugin. Plugins are already recognized as one of the ways to help make page speed even better.

10. Google Algorithm

When using Google, be it through YouTube and blogging, an understanding of the Google algorithm is crucial. Why?

Because in many ways, Google's algorithm determines the number of visitors.  Let's see one by one.


Common YouTube traffic sources are the following:
  1. Recommended Videos. Show the video beside or at the end of other similar videos. So if at first someone else watches someone else's batman video, then he can just see the next batman video that we have.
  2. Youtube search. Visitors do a search by searching your search keywords (not google).
  3. Browse Features. The video will appear directly to visitors both on the initial homepage when the user opens YouTube. Usually this is related to search history, subscriptions, email updates, or the "watch later" feature.
  4. Channel page. Visitors go directly to your channel. Usually this happens when a channel has strong branding, the content is viral everywhere, has opened it before and various other possibilities.
Which is the biggest source of traffic?

From chatting with some YouTuber friends, they said they were the biggest number 1, then 2 and 3. No 4 but small.

I understand that in order to have many traffic sources from number 4, your channel must have strong branding.

Who determines the traffic sources 1, 2 and 3, Google. Yes, Google with its algorithm will determine which videos appear as recommendations, which ones appear directly to users and rankings when users search YouTube.

So, understanding Google's understanding is very - very important to bring visitors. Google is the main traffic source.


The main source of traffic for blogging is from search engines. There are two reasons.
  1. The majority of people visit search engines before doing anything else on the internet. Googling first, then from the results on the search page, move to another page.
  2. Cheap. Pages appear in search results organically it's cheap, it's free. It costs nothing.
Cost is important because if you have to rely on continuous advertising for monetization, monetization will not be profitable. You need to be able to bring in traffic for free.

Free traffic is from search engines by doing SEO. SEO is determined by the Google algorithm.

11. Analytic Data

One of the advantages in the online world is the many things you can track. Everything can be measured and measured. And lots of free analysis tools. Live can be used, free of charge.

Why do you need to do analytic?
  • Development of regular visitors from time to time. Even the number of visitors in real-time can be known.
  • Source traffic. Where does the traffic come from, which ones are the most, so you can focus on the main traffic sources.
  • The best articles or videos that are viewed or read the most, which ones do not bring any visitors at all. It is important to be of interest in writing articles or making videos.

Some of the tools that can be used are:
  1. YouTube Analytics to analyze the performance of accounts and videos that have been uploaded on YouTube.
  2. Google Analytics to analyze visitors on the blog, see how the site is performing.

12. Always Learn

Youtube 3 years ago and now is very different. That's true after reading and talking to several Youtube players. Change in the digital world is very fast. Many changes occurred.

Likewise in the blogging world. The presence of social media, youtube affects the behavior of people who seek information on media blogs. In addition, Google's algorithm in search engines changes rapidly which affects the ranking of search pages.

Facing this change, like it or not, we must continue and always learn. Some of the things that can be done are:
  • Lots of reading and discussion. Fortunately, in cyberspace there is a lot of material, both blogs, youtube, and forums that discuss the development of the world of monetization of youtube and blogging.
  • Do a test. Many things cannot be known only after we ordered. Feel free to experiment with it to achieve the best results.
  • Everything takes time and process. Difficult instant, get rich quick, monetized. It takes time to make it happen.
The very fast growth of the online world creates opportunities to make money through blogging and YouTube. Monetization opportunities are wide open for anyone, regardless of age and education.

Hopefully, these tips will provide assistance to be successful in monetizing blogs and youtube.

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